I manage my websites myself and I know about on-page optimization but link building was a whole new skill to learn, and I didn't know where to start.
I have put it on two of my websites and both of them are on page 1 of Google and have been for a while.
In addition, I didn't have a lot of time to learn it in and I didn't know how I would be received when contacting all these quality websites, emailing the owners and waiting for results.There is nothing to be downlaoded, you can use this from any computer or mobile device.
System’s algorithm will find related sites and create backlinks automatically.
SEO is a long game. Typically people see some uptake on traffic and ranking in 30-60 days.
Because it costs a lot of money and to stay profitable we have to limit it, but 50 or 75 domains is a lot if you think about it.